Creating backups is a function which is offered by the majority of hosting providers nowadays. That is a very useful feature as it's a guarantee that you won't lose critical data in case something happens with your websites and there are lots of possible reasons for that - another person getting access to your account, deleting content by mistake, performing an unsuccessful update of a script-driven app, and so forth. Assuming that you've got a backup, the harm in any one of these scenarios is undoable, but you will need to act quickly since most companies keep only one backup a day and every new one removes the previous one, thus a delay of a couple of days means losing everything. Our groundbreaking backup system was designed with the idea to avoid this kind of cases and it will allow you to choose what content to restore and from which date considering that you will have many backups to pick from.

Browsable Daily Backups in Shared Hosting

The backup service is turned on by default for every single shared hosting package that we offer and in contrast to other providers, we keep a copy of your files four times a day. We also keep the backups for the last 7 days and we don't erase any of them, so if you need any content from a particular day and hour, you can restore it with ease. Though our support can assist you with that, you will not have to lose time to contact them since all backups are available as browsable folders inside the File Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is used to manage the shared hosting accounts, so restoring a backup is as easy as copying a folder or a specific file based upon what you need. In order to avoid any accidental deletions, the backups are in read-only mode, thus they can be copied, but not altered. When you use our Internet hosting services, you won't have to worry that you could lose information under any circumstances.

Browsable Daily Backups in Dedicated Hosting

If you select any of our Linux semi-dedicated packages, our system shall keep backups of any information you create or upload by default. This happens 4 times each day at regular intervals and the copies are saved for a minimum of seven days so as to make certain that if you need an older backup, we shall have it. We've enhanced this feature much more given that we have made it possible to check out all available backups just like ordinary folders in the File Manager of the web hosting CP. This will give you more control over your Internet sites given that you can see when every one of the backups has been created and you'll be able to restore any file or folder by copying it to the active domain directory in your account. Needless to say, our tech support can help you with that, but if you require anything to be restored immediately, you'll not have to lose time. With our backup service, you won't need to worry about losing important info even if you figure out that you need it several days later.